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Asset Management



What do we own?

As you get busier and your team starts to scale it becomes increasingly difficult to keep track of what the company owns.

Never Fear... Eor has got your back, log your assets no matter how big or small.


Whose got it? What van is it in?

Once you know what you own, the next problem is knowing who has got it, or where it is stored.

Eor lets you assign assets to personnel and you can put that asset inside another asset. For example you can put a drill into a toolbox, and the toolbox into a van... or you can put a computer into a room of a building... the possibilities are endless.


Where is it?

Simply click a button in Eor or scan the assets label to log the location of the asset.

Easily locate the asset by displaying its location on a map within Eor.


When does the Insurance, PAT, LOLER, etc. expire?

Nearly all assets have expirables that relate to them, cars have MOT's, electrical equipment has PAT Testing, and fire extinguishers have services.

No matter what the asset and its expirables, these can be tracked within Eor to help ensure that you stay compliant and in an audit ready state.

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